X2Go Bug report logs: Bugs in package x2goclient

Maintainers for x2goclient are X2Go Developers <x2go-dev@lists.x2go.org>.

You might like to refer to the x2goclient package page, or to the source package src:x2goclient's bug page.

If you find a bug not listed here, please report it.

Outstanding bugs -- Critical Bugs; Unclassified (2 bugs)

Outstanding bugs -- Grave Bugs; Unclassified (2 bugs)

Outstanding bugs -- Serious Bugs; More information needed (1 bug)

Outstanding bugs -- Important Bugs; Confirmed (1 bug)

Outstanding bugs -- Important Bugs; Unclassified (20 bugs)

Outstanding bugs -- Important Bugs; More information needed (1 bug)

Outstanding bugs -- Normal Bugs; Patch Available (5 bugs)

Outstanding bugs -- Normal Bugs; Unclassified (340 bugs)

Outstanding bugs -- Normal Bugs; More information needed (13 bugs)

Outstanding bugs -- Normal Bugs; Will Not Fix (1 bug)

Outstanding bugs -- Minor Bugs; Unclassified (9 bugs)

Outstanding bugs -- Wishlist items; Patch Available (2 bugs)

Outstanding bugs -- Wishlist items; Confirmed (1 bug)

Outstanding bugs -- Wishlist items; Unclassified (44 bugs)

Outstanding bugs -- Wishlist items; Will Not Fix (1 bug)

Pending Upload bugs -- Normal Bugs (2 bugs)

Fixed in NMU bugs -- Normal Bugs (1 bug)

Resolved bugs -- Critical Bugs (1 bug)

Resolved bugs -- Grave Bugs (14 bugs)

Resolved bugs -- Important Bugs (11 bugs)

Resolved bugs -- Normal Bugs (138 bugs)

Resolved bugs -- Minor Bugs (14 bugs)

Resolved bugs -- Wishlist items (27 bugs)



Select bugs

The same search fields are ORed, different fields are ANDed.

Valid severities are critical, grave, important, normal, minor, wishlist

Valid tags are patch, patch-approved, forwarded, wontfix, moreinfo, unreproducible, not-a-bug, fixed, fixed-upstream, stable, pending, security, confirmed, ipv6, deb-packages, rpm-packages, build-macosx, build-win32

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Misc options

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Reverse Pending
Reverse Severity
No Bugs which affect packages

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X2Go Developers <owner@bugs.x2go.org>. Last modified: Wed Nov 6 08:07:25 2024; Machine Name: ymir.das-netzwerkteam.de

X2Go Bug tracking system

Debbugs is free software and licensed under the terms of the GNU Public License version 2. The current version can be obtained from https://bugs.debian.org/debbugs-source/.

Copyright © 1999 Darren O. Benham, 1997,2003 nCipher Corporation Ltd, 1994-97 Ian Jackson, 2005-2017 Don Armstrong, and many other contributors.