X2Go Bug report logs -
$X2GO_CLIENT not set
Full log
Message #15 received at 800@bugs.x2go.org (full text, mbox, reply):
[Message part 1 (text/plain, inline)]
2015-03-09 17:17 GMT+01:00 Mihai Moldovan <ionic@ionic.de>:
> On 09.03.2015 04:06 PM, Julius K wrote:
> > 2015-03-03 14:13 GMT+01:00 Mihai Moldovan <ionic@ionic.de
> > <mailto:ionic@ionic.de>>:
> >
> > On 01.03.2015 02:14 PM, Julius K wrote:
> > > $ x2gostartagent
> > > [Error Message]
> > >
> > > I'm on Linux Miant 17 Qiana with the x2go/stable ppa.
> > > [...]
> >
> > x2gostartagent is not meant to be started manually, but only via
> > x2goclient or pyhoca-*. Thus, the behavior shown is correct.
> >
> >
> > Ooh, I'm really sorry for this, I thought I have to start the server
> > manually but it starts automatically after installation, right?
> I'll be adding back the list, because this may be of interest for other
> people, too.
> X2Go Server is not using a daemon for its normal mode of operation, so
> there's nothing "started" (neither automatically nor manually) after
> installation. The init script that is automatically is merely running
> "x2gocleansessions" to get rid of stale/disconnected/terminated
> sessions. (But creating sessions will still work even with this
> disabled. You just may have a mess on your hands afterwards...)
> Every session is started by X2Go Client (or PyHoca-*) via SSH. Both
> launch x2gostartagent via the SSH connection to the remote server *when
> creating a new session*.
> Thus, once you install x2goserver, it's ready to use (minus special
> features which come in via, e.g., x2goserver-xsession.)
> > What is the real problem at hand?
> >
> >
> > Now I try to connect from a windows machine to Linux, but it doesn't
> work.
> > I checked, ssh works.
> > When I connect, sometimes it gives an error message like this: "failed
> > to suspend session with ID [...]" or the programm just gets totally
> > unresponsive and I have to restart it.
> >
> >
> Ok, that's more interesting and actually suitable for the bug report.
> Please start up cmd.exe, then:
> cd path\where\x2goclient.exe\is\installed\in
> x2goclient.exe --debug > debug.log 2>&1
> The debug log could potentially be helpful in tracking this down. When
> you respond, please make sure to CC 800@bugs.x2go.org.
I'm just pasting the debug file below. I did what I described earlier and
the error message appeared and is also in the debug file.
x2go-INFO-1> "Starting x2goclient..."
x2go-INFO-4> "Übersetzung: :/x2goclient_de_de installiert."
x2go-INFO-5> "Übersetzung: :/qt_de_DE installiert."
x2go-DEBUG-onmainwindow.cpp:9817> Getting Xorg settings.
x2go-INFO-3> "X2Go Client ist gestartet."
x2go-DEBUG-onmainwindow.cpp:495> "$HOME=C:/Users/Foolius"
x2go-DEBUG-onmainwindow.cpp:2123> Reading 2 sessions from config file.
x2go-DEBUG-onmainwindow.cpp:9543> Starting win servers...
x2go-DEBUG-onmainwindow.cpp:9895> "C:/Users/Foolius/.x2go/etc/sshd_config
x2go-DEBUG-onmainwindow.cpp:9312> got localhost
x2go-DEBUG-onmainwindow.cpp:9334> Port is free: 7022
x2go-DEBUG-onmainwindow.cpp:9951> Creating desktop: x2go_Foolius
x2go-INFO-8> "Verbindung mit Server wird gestartet: T410-Mint:22"
x2go-DEBUG-onmainwindow.cpp:2702> Start new ssh connection to
server:"T410-Mint":"22" krbLogin: false
x2go-DEBUG-sshmasterconnection.cpp:202> starting ssh connection without
kerberos authentication
x2go-DEBUG-sshmasterconnection.cpp:206> SshMasterConnection, instance
SshMasterConnection(0x3283d78) created
x2go-DEBUG-sshmasterconnection.cpp:442> SshMasterConnection, instance
SshMasterConnection(0x3283d78) entering thread
x2go-DEBUG-sshmasterconnection.cpp:478> libSsh not inited yet, initting
x2go-DEBUG-sshmasterconnection.cpp:522> setting SSH DIR to
x2go-DEBUG-sshmasterconnection.cpp:789> cserverAuth
x2go-DEBUG-sshmasterconnection.cpp:804> state: 1
x2go-DEBUG-sshmasterconnection.cpp:640> setting SSH DIR to
x2go-DEBUG-sshmasterconnection.cpp:963> Password authentication
x2go-DEBUG-sshmasterconnection.cpp:654> user auth OK
x2go-DEBUG-onmainwindow.cpp:2797> SSH connection established.
x2go-DEBUG-onmainwindow.cpp:3060> Continue normal x2go session
x2go-DEBUG-sshprocess.cpp:189> executing remote command via SshProcess
object (0): "export HOSTNAME && x2golistsessions"
x2go-DEBUG-sshmasterconnection.cpp:1434> creating new channel
x2go-DEBUG-sshmasterconnection.cpp:1438> new channel:0x32436e8
x2go-DEBUG-sshmasterconnection.cpp:1469> executing remote: "sh -c 'echo
PATH=/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin export HOSTNAME && x2golistsessions; echo
x2go-DEBUG-sshmasterconnection.cpp:1492> new exec channel created
x2go-DEBUG-sshmasterconnection.cpp:1596> EOF ON CHANNEL 0x32436e8
(SshProcess: 0)
x2go-DEBUG-sshmasterconnection.cpp:1664> eof sent
x2go-DEBUG-sshmasterconnection.cpp:1668> channel closed
x2go-DEBUG-sshprocess.cpp:449> ssh finished: true -
" (0).
x2go-DEBUG-onmainwindow.cpp:4231> No shadow session.
x2go-DEBUG-onmainwindow.cpp:4254> "Decoding
x2go-DEBUG-onmainwindow.cpp:4254> "Decoding
x2go-DEBUG-onmainwindow.cpp:4254> "Decoding
x2go-DEBUG-sshprocess.cpp:189> executing remote command via SshProcess
object (1): "x2gosuspend-session foo-53-1425912309_stDCINNAMON_dp32"
x2go-DEBUG-sshmasterconnection.cpp:1434> creating new channel
x2go-DEBUG-sshmasterconnection.cpp:1438> new channel:0x3243690
x2go-DEBUG-sshmasterconnection.cpp:1469> executing remote: "sh -c 'echo
PATH=/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin x2gosuspend-session
foo-53-1425912309_stDCINNAMON_dp32; echo
x2go-DEBUG-sshmasterconnection.cpp:1492> new exec channel created
x2go-DEBUG-sshmasterconnection.cpp:1596> EOF ON CHANNEL 0x3243690
(SshProcess: 1)
x2go-DEBUG-sshmasterconnection.cpp:1664> eof sent
x2go-DEBUG-sshmasterconnection.cpp:1668> channel closed
x2go-DEBUG-sshprocess.cpp:444> have only stderr, something must be wrong
x2go-DEBUG-sshprocess.cpp:449> ssh finished: false - "ERROR: failed to
suspend session with ID foo-53-1425912309_stDCINNAMON_dp32
" (1).
x2go-DEBUG-onmainwindow.cpp:9312> got localhost
x2go-DEBUG-onmainwindow.cpp:9334> Port is free: 6000
x2go-DEBUG-onmainwindow.cpp:9400> using internal X: true
x2go-DEBUG-onmainwindow.cpp:9423> WxH:"800"x"600"
x2go-DEBUG-onmainwindow.cpp:9428> "-multiwindow -notrayicon -clipboard"
x2go-DEBUG-onmainwindow.cpp:9465> Running "c:/Program Files
(x86)/x2goclient\vcxsrv\vcxsrv.exe" "-multiwindow -notrayicon -clipboard :0"
x2go-DEBUG-sshprocess.cpp:189> executing remote command via SshProcess
object (2): "x2goresume-session foo-53-1425912309_stDCINNAMON_dp32 800x600
adsl 16m-jpeg-9 de auto 1 both"
x2go-DEBUG-sshmasterconnection.cpp:1434> creating new channel
x2go-DEBUG-sshmasterconnection.cpp:1438> new channel:0x361bcf8
x2go-DEBUG-sshmasterconnection.cpp:1469> executing remote: "sh -c 'echo
PATH=/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin x2goresume-session
foo-53-1425912309_stDCINNAMON_dp32 800x600 adsl 16m-jpeg-9 de auto 1 both;
echo X2GODATAEND:553ddae2-bcc9-4d80-9eb0-94edaf9953b0;'"
x2go-DEBUG-sshmasterconnection.cpp:1492> new exec channel created
x2go-DEBUG-onmainwindow.cpp:9312> got localhost
x2go-DEBUG-onmainwindow.cpp:9340> Port already used: 6000
x2go-DEBUG-onmainwindow.cpp:9494> X is started.
x2go-DEBUG-onmainwindow.cpp:9861> All winservers are started.
x2go-DEBUG-onmainwindow.cpp:1479> Close event received.
x2go-DEBUG-onmainwindow.cpp:1503> Quitting tray icon and closing
x2go-INFO-6> "X2Go Client wird geschossen..."
x2go-DEBUG-onmainwindow.cpp:1332> Saving settings...
x2go-DEBUG-onmainwindow.cpp:1341> Saved settings.
x2go-DEBUG-onmainwindow.cpp:1363> Waiting for the SSH connection to
x2go-DEBUG-sshmasterconnection.cpp:708> SshMasterConnection, instance
SshMasterConnection(0x3283d78) waiting for thread to finish
x2go-DEBUG-sshmasterconnection.cpp:1353> Disconnecting...
x2go-DEBUG-sshmasterconnection.cpp:1364> Deleting channel connections
x2go-DEBUG-sshmasterconnection.cpp:1664> eof sent
x2go-DEBUG-sshmasterconnection.cpp:1668> channel closed
x2go-DEBUG-sshmasterconnection.cpp:1372> Disconnect session
x2go-DEBUG-sshmasterconnection.cpp:1378> Delete sockets
x2go-DEBUG-sshmasterconnection.cpp:1385> All channels closed, session
disconnected, quiting session loop
x2go-DEBUG-sshmasterconnection.cpp:712> SshMasterConnection, instance
SshMasterConnection(0x3283d78) thread finished
x2go-DEBUG-sshprocess.cpp:52> ssh process destructor
x2go-DEBUG-sshprocess.cpp:52> ssh process destructor
x2go-DEBUG-sshprocess.cpp:52> ssh process destructor
x2go-DEBUG-sshmasterconnection.cpp:719> SshMasterConnection, instance
SshMasterConnection(0x3283d78) SshMasterConnection, instance
SshMasterConnection(0x7fce7c008aa0) deleted
x2go-DEBUG-onmainwindow.cpp:1365> Waited for the SSH connection to finish.
x2go-DEBUG-onmainwindow.cpp:1429> Terminating xorg...
x2go-DEBUG-onmainwindow.cpp:1431> Terminated xorg.
x2go-DEBUG-onmainwindow.cpp:1432> Deleting xorg...
QProcess: Destroyed while process is still running.
x2go-DEBUG-onmainwindow.cpp:1434> Deleted xorg.
x2go-DEBUG-sshmasterconnection.cpp:736> libssh finalized
x2go-INFO-7> "X2Go Client wurde geschlossen."
x2go-DEBUG-onmainwindow.cpp:508> Destroying x2goclient...
x2go-DEBUG-onmainwindow.cpp:511> Destroyed x2goclient.
> Mihai
[Message part 2 (text/html, inline)]
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Last modified:
Sun Feb 16 21:20:10 2025;
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