X2Go Bug report logs -
Set screen background to X2Go default blue on all detected screens
Reported by: Stefan Baur <X2Go-ML-1@baur-itcs.de>
Date: Tue, 6 Jan 2015 10:55:02 UTC
Severity: wishlist
Tags: patch, pending
Found in version
Fixed in version
Done: X2Go Release Manager X2Go Release Manager <git-admin@x2go.org>
Bug is archived. No further changes may be made.
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close #718
we are very hopeful that X2Go issue #718 reported by you
has been resolved in the new release ( of the
X2Go source project »src:x2gothinclient«.
You can view the complete changelog entry of src:x2gothinclient (
below, and you can use the following link to view all the code changes
between this and the last release of src:x2gothinclient.
If you feel that the issue has not been resolved satisfyingly, feel
free to reopen this bug report or submit a follow-up report with
further observations described based on the new released version
of src:x2gothinclient.
Thanks a lot for contributing to X2Go!!!
X2Go Git Admin (on behalf of the sender of this mail)
X2Go Component: src:x2gothinclient
Date: Sun, 02 Dec 2018 04:10:28 +0100
Fixes: 419 718 719 726 840 997 1092 1136 1147
x2gothinclient ( RELEASED; urgency=low
[ Mike Gabriel ]
* New upstream release (
- Stop advertising GNOME in default session profile. Switching to MATE.
- Use type=auto for automatic keyboard detection as default in example
session profiles.
- Avoid error message in x2gothinclient_shell if the chroot does not have
a file-or-symlink /etc/resolv.conf.
- Use resolv.conf file from host system when running x2gothinclient_upgrade.
- Add COPYING file.
- Run x2gothinclient_shell and x2gothinclient_upgrade with LANG=C.
- Don't run x2gothinclient_init inside TCE chroot operations
(x2gothinclient_shell or x2gothinclient_upgrade).
- Avoid x2gothinclient_init failures, use if..then..fi instead of
the test command.
- Init scripts: Provide status option.
- Use lazy unmounts for unmounting bind-mounted /proc, /sys, /dev/pts
after exiting the TCE chroot (x2gothinclient_create, x2gothinclient_shell,
x2gothinclient_upgrade, x2gothinclient_cleanup).
- Assure that a tmpfs under <chroot>/root gets mounted and cleanly
unmounted (x2gothinclient_shell, x2gothinclient_upgrade).
- Use run-parts to initialize the TCE during runtime. (Fixes: #419).
- New TCE component: x2gothinclient-minidesktop. Instead of using
X2Go Client as login manager, we launch a minimal MATE desktop and
connect to X2Go sessions from there.
. Add WindowList applet to MATE panel.
. On $HOME creation, copy x2gothinclient-minidesktop.desktop into
. Provide init script for x2gothinclient-minidesktop to handle maintenance
tasks if TCE is installed with in minidesktop flavour.
. Tweak MATE minidesktop via GScheme overrides.
. Launch MATE minidesktop via LightDM autologin feature.
. Add XDG autostart .desktop file for the TCE's X2Go Client.
. Add VERSION.<package> file for x2gothinclient-minidesktop.
. Make X2Go TCE layout / appearance overridable by installing
debian-edu-artwork package.
. Use default X2Go Client background for x2gothinclient-minidesktop.
Provide configurable desktop background instead. Install desktop
background as desktop-base alternative.
. On minidesktop TCE creation based on wheezy, pull in packages from
wheezy-backports (i.e. MATE desktop environment).
. MATE Application menu: Move the default X2Go Client .desktop file out
of the way (dpkg-divert) and provide the TCE's .desktop file instead.
. Make sure that launching x2goclient via a terminal or the run command
box in MATE results in the restricted TCE X2Go Client.
. Make contrib and non-free software available on minidesktop TCE
. Disallow Caja to handle storage media (automounting, opening, etc.).
. Enable usbmounts and smartcard rules for minidestop TCE flavour.
. Enforce TCE session restart after logout.
. Provide Web browser shortcut in the MATE panel.
. Enable native-protocol-tcp module in pulseaudio on every X2Go Client
launch. Allow access from local host only, require auth cookie.
- Adapt management package to TCE flavouring. Add new configuration
option in x2gothinclient_settings: TC_FLAVOUR (can be: minidesktop or
- Use proper quotations in several X2Go TCE scripts.
- Don't choke if /etc/resolv.conf in the TCE chroot is a symbolic link
(in x2gothinclient_shell, x2gothinclient_upgrade).
- README.i18n: Add file that explains the translation workflow for
this package. Thanks to Mark Pedersen-Cook for drafting this file.
- For X2Go TCE in display manager mode, set login backgrounds of all
screens (if more than one is used) to a blue'ish background color.
(Fixes: #718).
- TCE in display manager mode: Don't align multiple heads next to
one another if a (Wacom) touchscreen is detected in the list of heads.
(Fixes: #719).
- management/sbin/x2gothinclient_update: Create
$TC_CHROOT/etc/x2go/x2gothinclient_init.d/ before copying files into it.
- management/sbin/x2gothinclient_update: Consider known_hosts2 FreeRDP host
key files, known_hosts was used for FreeRDP v1.x and are in fact
deprecated nowadays.
- management/sbin/x2gothinclient_create: Stop using deprecated --force-yes.
- 010_x2gothinclient-fresh-home: Install FreeRDPv2's known_hosts2 file into
~x2gothinclient user's home dir when creating a fresh home.
- x2gothinclient_sessions: Provide RDP-Direct session profile example that
utilizes FreeRDPv2 rather than deprecated FreeRDPv1.x. (On Debian stretch,
it is recommended to use FreeRDPv2 from Debian stretch-backports).
- x2gothinclient-<TC-FLAVOUR>_start: Drop requirement of having symlink
/etc/x2go/x2gothinclient_start. Now all code passages that use the _start
wrapper, use the x2gothinclient-<TC-FLAVOUR>_start file directly.
* debian/control:
+ Rename bin:package: x2gothinclient -> x2gothinclient-daemon.
+ Make sure x2gothinclient-minidesktop pulls in X11 and X2Go Client.
+ New bin:package: x2gothinclient-common. Commonly shared by
x2gothinclient-minidesktop and x2gothinclient-displaymanager
+ Add D (displaymanager flavour, minidesktop flavour): pinentry-x2go.
+ Add D (x2gothinclient-minidesktop): lightdm.
+ Add R (x2gothinclient-minidesktop): flashplugin-nonfree.
+ Add R (x2gothinclient-chroot): ntp.
+ Move to Pre-D (x2gothinclient-minidesktop): x2goclient, lightdm. Make
sure those packages are installed already avoiding dpkg-divert failures.
+ Allow co-installation of displaymanager and minidesktop bin:pkgs. They
have no conflicting files and we should rather make the startup mode
configurable through debconf.
* debian/copyright:
+ Use copyright-format 1.0.
[ Stefan Baur ]
* New upstream release (
- Allow Xinerama / XRandR setup via /proc/cmdline. (Fixes: #726).
* usbmount/x2gousbmount:
- Make user pseudo-selectible via a variable and fix usage across file.
- Try to create file-sharing facilities harder.
- Fix desktop/thinclient mode detection. Fixes: #1136.
- Set default username to x2gothinclient for MATE minidesktop builds, even
for X2GO TCE Live builds.
- Add support for (V)FAT, NTFS, HFS, HPFS and EXT* (via fuse-ext2) file
[ Mark Pedersen-Cook ]
* debian/po:
+ Add DebConf translation to Danish.
[ Kaan Ozdincer ]
* debian/po:
+ Add DebConf translation to Turkish.
[ Mihai Moldovan ]
* New upstream release (
- Change string "X2go" to "X2Go" where appropriate.
- displaymanager/init/x2gothinclient-displaymanager.init: fix unchanged
"gdm" string in log message. Fixes: #997.
- management/share/etc/x2gothinclient-minidesktop_start: correctly
continue commented out command on the next line. Fixes: #1147.
- displaymanager/sbin/x2gothinclientd: correctly break long strings over
several lines and concatenate them.
- management/share/etc/x2gothinclient_init.d/
950_x2gothinclient-minidesktop: call Xsession in mate-minidesktop builds
of X2Go TCE Live.
- misc: update copyright notices, but for Mike Gabriel.
- README.howto: fix typos.
- misc: update http:// to https:// URLs where appropriate.
- misc: drop whitespace from hashbangs.
- debian/x2gothinclient-common.postrm: newline at EOF change.
- misc: update Oleksandr's mail address.
- misc manpages: whitespace only.
- misc manpages: pre-release version and date updates.
- cdmanager/powerej/mb.{cpp,h}: whitespace only.
- cdmanager/powerej/powerej.pro: regenerate with Qt5's qmake and merge.
- cdmanager/powerej/eject.cpp: use PlastiqueStyle with Qt4 and Fusion with
- cdmanager/powerej/eject.cpp: include QStyleFactory.
- misc manpages: pre-release date update.
* usbmount/x2gousbmount:
- Fix typo int -> print. Fixes: #840.
- Update copyright notice.
- Fix left-over check_x2gothinclientd definition (should have been
* debian/control:
- Whitespace only.
- x2gothinclient-cdmanager: drop libqt4-gui Depends. Already handled by
libqt4-dev Build-Depends and shlibs and misc Depends.
- Maintainer change in package: X2Go Developers <x2go-dev@lists.x2go.org>.
- Uploaders: add myself. Also, force a rebuild due to the changed
- Resurrect x2go{thinclient-management,usbmount,cdmanager,smartcardrules}
as dummy packages in the spirit of x2gothinclient for a smooth upgrade
- mate-media-pulse and mate-settings-daemon-pulse are gone in Stretch.
Depend on them lightly.
- Replace iceweasel dependency with firefox-esr. All suites provide the
newer name. Avoids an ugly outdated menu entry.
- Build-depend upon Qt5 instead of Qt4.
- Bump DH compat level to 9.
* management/share/etc/x2gothinclient-minidesktop_start:
- Correctly quote pactl command line arguments, avoids the shell
interpreting the embedded semicolon as a command separator.
* debian/po:
- Minor fixup on author name.
- Regenerate templates and files.
- Update template with metadata.
- fr.po: update metadata.
- Update bugs address in template.
- Update translation metadata.
- da.po: fixup.
- de.po: fixup.
* debian/copyright:
- Remove obsolete and wrong obviouslynice.de address.
* debian/rules:
- Whitespace only.
- Switch to building cdmanager/powerej via Qt5.
- Modernize respective build flags.
- Add all clause.
- Make sure to select Qt5 variant, even though we probably won't use
debhelper to build Qt projects.
- Call qmake instead of qmake-qt5.
* debian/compat:
- Bump DH compat level to 9.
[ Oleksandr Shneyder ]
* x2gothinclientd: load config file when starting PulseAudio. Fixes: 1092.
* upgrade to debian stretch.
* set oldsatble to jessie in x2gothinclient_settings.
* install linux-image-4.9.0-4-686 instead of dummy-package
* add pxelinux in recommends for x2gothinclient-management
* fix links in x2gothinclient_preptftpboot
* fix link in x2gothinclient_create
* install chroot for amd64
* fix x2gothinclient_update to create files needed by x2gothinclientd
* let user choose architecture by setting TC_ARCH variable. Default amd64.
* improve support for gnupg and dbus.
* modify x2gothinclientd to start scripts needed by gpg agent.
* install meta-package for linux-image to get most recent version. Thanks to Mike for the hint.
* start openbox to make xinerama work. Thanks to Walid Moghrabi for the hint.
* fix Xorg checking in x2gothinclientd.
* remove nomedeset option from x2go-tce.cfg. This option prevent loading of drm and disabling advanced graphic functions.
* add openbox dependency.
* do not start openbox any more. Xinerama issue should be fixed in x2goagent.
[ Martti Pitkänen ]
* debian/po:
+ Add DebConf translation to Finnish.
[ Thierry Kauffmann ]
* New upstream release (
- debian/po: add French translation file.
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