X2Go Bug report logs - #744
user-local keystrokes.cfg does not work

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Package: x2goagent; Maintainer for x2goagent is X2Go Developers <x2go-dev@lists.x2go.org>; Source for x2goagent is src:nx-libs.

Reported by: Horst Schirmeier <horst@schirmeier.com>

Date: Thu, 15 Jan 2015 15:20:01 UTC

Severity: normal

Tags: patch, pending

Found in version 2:

Fixed in version 2:

Done: X2Go Release Manager <git-admin@x2go.org>

Bug is archived. No further changes may be made.

Full log

Message #15 received at 744@bugs.x2go.org (full text, mbox, reply):

Received: (at 744) by bugs.x2go.org; 15 Jan 2015 21:33:42 +0000
From horst@schirmeier.com  Thu Jan 15 22:33:41 2015
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Date: Thu, 15 Jan 2015 22:27:01 +0100
From: Horst Schirmeier <horst@schirmeier.com>
To: Mihai Moldovan <ionic@ionic.de>
Cc: 744@bugs.x2go.org
Subject: Re: [X2Go-Dev] Bug#744: user-local keystrokes.cfg does not work
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[Message part 1 (text/plain, inline)]
On Thu, 15 Jan 2015, Mihai Moldovan wrote:
> Do we actually WANT to make ~/.nx/foo override /etc/x2go/foo *for
> x2goagent*? Or do we rather want to get rid of ~/.nx and /etc/nxagent
> entirely within x2go components (which, really, would make some sort of
> sense, especially if $SOMETHING created ~/.nx/config/keystrokes.cfg and
> users wonder why /etc/x2go/keystrokes.cfg does not take any effect.)

I have no objection removing ~/.nx and /etc/nxagent from the file list
in my patch, keeping ~/.x2go/config/keystrokes.cfg and
/etc/x2go/keystrokes.cfg.  As ~/.nx does not work at all at the moment,
this wouldn't even break existing setups (but would require updating the
documentation in the wiki).

> Actually, I see another problem there. Wouldn't it be smarter to
> consider both ~/.x2go/foo and /etc/x2go/keystrokes.cfg (if existent),
> with values in ~/.x2go/foo overriding those of the global configuration
> file? A priority-based merge would really be the thing we're looking
> for. I've got something like that lying around.
> It's not exactly small, though. And would benefit from being shared
> code, as it could (and also would) be used in both x2goagent and x2goserver.

This may or may not be a good idea.  For example, IMHO it'd require
introducing a way to completely remove/disable /etc/x2go/keystrokes.cfg
definitions via directives in user-local files, instead of only
overriding key definitions.  Also, it has the potential of not being
compatible to existing setups.  Nevertheless, I suggest opening a new
bug for this, as #744 needs to be fixed either way.


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