X2Go Bug report logs - #539
Missing fonts in X application

version graph

Package: pyhoca-gui; Maintainer for pyhoca-gui is X2Go Developers <x2go-dev@lists.x2go.org>; Source for pyhoca-gui is src:pyhoca-gui.

Reported by: Stephane Mutz <stephane.mutz@blinksight.com>

Date: Wed, 23 Jan 2013 09:03:01 UTC

Severity: normal

Tags: build-win32

Found in versions,

Done: Mike Gabriel <mike.gabriel@das-netzwerkteam.de>

Bug is archived. No further changes may be made.

Full log

Message #45 received at 108@bugs.x2go.org (full text, mbox, reply):

Received: (at 108) by bugs.x2go.org; 30 Jun 2014 03:49:57 +0000
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Message-ID: <CAMKht8jj-YLrfApYJAr8wJ+HDzTGz31B4SnOuAKpZBuG=D7K8w@mail.gmail.com>
Subject: Re: [X2Go-Dev] Bug#108: Can we close #108?
From: Michael DePaulo <mikedep333@gmail.com>
To: Mike Gabriel <mike.gabriel@das-netzwerkteam.de>, 108@bugs.x2go.org
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
Hi Mike#2,

I have not had much time to work on this. I have been thinking about it though.

1. Regardless of the rest of what we decide, do not close this bug
until is is more obvious about the different builds being available.
Please provide feedback to the email thread: "How to handle the
different Windows builds"
And notice that I created a "non-default-builds" subfolder for previews:
And I think the home page should be updated to link to the latest
stable folder (.e.g, releases/, not
releases/ . And this will solve the
problem of people reporting to us that they installed

2. The separate X2Go builds are a temporary fix. Having 3 separate
builds (before factoring in the debug build) are adding a lot more
work for me. I never intended to close this bug with only them

3. I supposed we could close this bug and open a new bug report for a
better/permanent fix. Or clone this bug for a better/permanent fix.
I'll leave which approach to take to your judgment.

4. When I get more free time, I'll do the following for a better/permanent fix:

a. Determine why the fonts are needed by some Linux applications, but
not others.
b. Determine what the default should be (I am leaning towards the
"misc" set. Empirically, it solves the compatibility problems for most
people, if not everyone. The "full" set makes the installer take much
longer and adds lots more files to the filesystem, so I'd rather not
make that the default.)
c. I'll probably integrate them into the regular installer as an
optional component, instead of putting them in a separate installer.
This means that the installer will be 48.5 MB in size with solid lzma
compression (compared to 56.0 MB with zlib compression.) However, in
2014, I think that 48.5 MB is reasonable.

Do not expect the permanent fix to arrive in time for


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