X2Go Bug report logs -
X2Go logins as root scatter PostgreSQL database with half-started sessions
Reported by: Mike Gabriel <mike.gabriel@das-netzwerkteam.de>
Date: Mon, 23 Sep 2013 11:48:02 UTC
Severity: normal
Tags: pending
Found in version
Fixed in version
Done: Mike Gabriel <mike.gabriel@das-netzwerkteam.de>
Bug is archived. No further changes may be made.
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[Message part 1 (text/plain, inline)]
This is an automatic notification regarding your Bug report
which was filed against the x2goserver package:
#310: X2Go logins as root scatter PostgreSQL database with half-started sessions
It has been closed by Mike Gabriel <mike.gabriel@das-netzwerkteam.de>.
Their explanation is attached below along with your original report.
If this explanation is unsatisfactory and you have not received a
better one in a separate message then please contact Mike Gabriel <mike.gabriel@das-netzwerkteam.de> by
replying to this email.
X2Go Bug Tracking System
Contact owner@bugs.x2go.org with problems
[Message part 2 (message/rfc822, inline)]
close #310
we are very hopeful that X2Go issue #310 reported by you
has been resolved in the new release ( of the
X2Go source project »src:x2goserver«.
You can view the complete changelog entry of src:x2goserver (
below, and you can use the following link to view all the code changes
between this and the last release of src:x2goserver.
If you feel that the issue has not been resolved satisfyingly, feel
free to reopen this bug report or submit a follow-up report with
further observations described based on the new released version
of src:x2goserver.
Thanks a lot for contributing to X2Go!!!
X2Go Git Admin (on behalf of the sender of this mail)
X2Go Component: src:x2goserver
Date: Fri, 22 Nov 2013 21:58:27 +0100
Fixes: 276 278 285 305 310 331
x2goserver ( RELEASED; urgency=low
[ Orion Poplawski ]
* New upstream version (
- Install Xsession file as executable, make Xsession.d directory location
configurable during build process, do not create unused Xsession.options.
(Fixes: #278).
[ Mike Gabriel ]
* New upstream version (
- Fine-tune x2goserver-xsession/Makefile: if /etc/X11 has Xsession.d and/or
Xsession.options they get symlinked into /etc/x2go. Otherwise Xsession.d
and Xsession.options are created under /etc/x2go as empty dir/file.
(Fixes: #278).
- Fix automatic keyboard setup (via x2gosetkeyboard) while resuming a
session. (Fixes: #285).
- Provide sudoers.d/x2goserver file that allows sudoed commands under
KDE (by pertaining the env var QT_GRAPHICSSYSTEM. (Fixes: #276).
- With PostgreSQL as session db backend, prevent the root user from
launching sessions. Also, prevent x2gouser_root from being added as a
PostgreSQL user. (Fixes: #310).
- Execute DB status changes as late as possible during suspend / terminate.
- Start/resume rootless sessions without geometry parameter. Esp. using
X2GO_GEOMETRY=fullscreen for rootless sessions lead to an extra 1x1 px
session window (nxagentCreateIconWindow in nxagent's Window.c).
- Typo fix in x2goruncommand (for MATE session startup).
* debian/control:
+ Raise Standards: to 3.9.4 (no changes needed).
+ Move xfonts-base to Recommends: field of bin:package x2goserver.
* debian/x2goserver.init:
+ Make init script LSB compliant.
[ Helmer Teles ]
* New upstream version (
- Make umask that is used when mounting client-side folders via SSHFS
configurable in x2goserver.conf. (Fixes: #331).
[ Jürgen Hötzel ]
* New upstream version (
- Use bash-builtin 'type' instead of to be avoided 'which'. (Fixes: #305).
[ Oleksandr Shneyder ]
* New upstream version (
- Fix x2goruncommand: "type -P $cmd" can create new lines in EXEC
variable if command have the arguments wich have same names as existing
commands, for example "rdesktop -k nl" -> "/usr/bin/rdesktop\n/usr/bin/nl".
Now we splitting $cmd and taking only first part.
[Message part 3 (message/rfc822, inline)]
[Message part 4 (text/plain, inline)]
Package: x2goserver
When the PostgreSQL backend is used, it is not possible to add root as
X2Go User to the DB.
Whereas running X2Go as root is absolutely disrecommended, the
attempts to start X2Go sessions as root results in broken session
entries in the X2GO database.
Either logins as root (with PostgreSQL) should be supported or the
session should refuse to come up at all.
mike gabriel, herweg 7, 24357 fleckeby
fon: +49 (1520) 1976 148
GnuPG Key ID 0x25771B31
mail: mike.gabriel@das-netzwerkteam.de, http://das-netzwerkteam.de
[Message part 5 (application/pgp-signature, inline)]
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