X2Go Bug report logs - #1241
lock down option menu for desktop selection

Package: x2goclient; Maintainer for x2goclient is X2Go Developers <x2go-dev@lists.x2go.org>; Source for x2goclient is src:x2goclient.

Reported by: x2go@master-minds.net

Date: Fri, 15 Dec 2017 17:40:01 UTC

Severity: wishlist

Tags: not-a-bug

Done: Stefan Baur <X2Go-ML-1@baur-itcs.de>

Bug is archived. No further changes may be made.

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Subject: Bug#1241: lock down option menu for desktop selection
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Package: x2goclient
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Severity: wishlist

I am a big fan of X2GO.  Its awesome..   There is one design flaw that 
is a constant issue for me..  As little as it seems, it is actually a pain..

I have about 15 different hosts configured in x2go with various 
desktops.   The client window displays a scrolling list of connections 
on the right side.   The user selects the session to use from the list.

My problem is, each session  is configured with three live option menus 
- The desktop, the screen size, and the sound parameters. When I am 
scrolling up and down (via the mouse wheel) in the connections list, if 
the mouse happens to be in vertical alignment with the option menus, the 
list of connections will scroll until one of the menus is encountered by 
the mouse.   At that point the connections list stops moving, and 
instead the option menu begins scrolling instead.   What usually happens 
is the desktop selection gets accidentally changed.   I have to set it 
back before connecting..  Some times I am not exactly sure which desktop 
is used on that particular host.   I have been putting the desktop name 
in the session title.

It would be very very nice if there was some kind of setting to disable 
the three option menus in the session selections from the main client 

Just a suggestion!

Many thanks!


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