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Numlock-state resets on first keypress after resume/start
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to x2go-dev@lists.x2go.org, X2Go Developers <x2go-dev@lists.x2go.org>
; Package x2goserver
(Wed, 04 Mar 2015 18:30:02 GMT) (full text, mbox, link).
Acknowledgement sent
to Florian Wicke - Hetzner Online AG <florian.wicke@hetzner.de>
New Bug report received and forwarded. Copy sent to X2Go Developers <x2go-dev@lists.x2go.org>
(Wed, 04 Mar 2015 18:30:02 GMT) (full text, mbox, link).
Message #5 received at submit@bugs.x2go.org (full text, mbox, reply):
Package: x2goserver
Unfortunately i am NOT able to "synchronize" the local numlock status to
the client session in any way or even CHANGE the numlock status of the
Clients running as thinclients with "x2gothinclient-displaymanager" from
heuler and everything is up2date with the "heuler" branch.
Desktop is XFCE but the same issue appears with KDE or LXDE.
Numlock-state saving is disabled - but should not be executed on resume
as far as i understand - just on starting a new session.
Even replacing "x2gosetkeyboard" with an empty "exit 0"-script does not
change this behavier (my first guess was the setxkbd resetting the
numlock state on keypress).
Any ideas how i can debug this further?
Steps to reproduce:
1. turn numlock off and verify with 'numlockx status' in the user session
2. start terminal with 'numlockx status'-loop like:
while :; do sleep 1; numockx status; done
3. have a post-resume.d-script present with 'numlockx on'-command (with
correct DISPLAY set)
4. suspend session
(5. turn local numlock on)
6. resume session
7. see 'numlockx status' transists from "off" to "on" as executed from
the post-resume.d-script
but now the unexpected problem:
8. press ANY key on the keyboard
9. see 'numlockx status' transists to "off" again no matter what your
local keyboard is set.
Time between #7 and #8 does not matter - first keypress after resume
resets numlock.
Best Regards,
Florian Wicke
Hetzner Online AG
Industriestr. 25
91710 Gunzenhausen
Phone: +49 9831 505-0
Fax: +49 9831 505-3
Registergericht Ansbach, HRB 3204
Vorstandsvorsitzender: Dipl. Ing. (FH) Martin Hetzner
Aufsichtsratsvorsitzende: Diana Rothhan
Information forwarded
to x2go-dev@lists.x2go.org, X2Go Developers <x2go-dev@lists.x2go.org>
; Package x2goserver
(Thu, 05 Mar 2015 16:30:02 GMT) (full text, mbox, link).
Acknowledgement sent
to Florian Wicke - Hetzner Online AG <florian.wicke@hetzner.de>
Extra info received and forwarded to list. Copy sent to X2Go Developers <x2go-dev@lists.x2go.org>
(Thu, 05 Mar 2015 16:30:02 GMT) (full text, mbox, link).
Message #10 received at 803@bugs.x2go.org (full text, mbox, reply):
[Message part 1 (text/plain, inline)]
My production environment is debian/jessie but the same problematic
behaviour is present in fedora 21 (x2goserver from default repo) and
ubuntu 14.10 (ppa:x2go/stable)
I don't think it's something directly related to x2go but you might have
way more insight in the process of the session management and can
provide me with more hints to where the problem could actually be.
Best Regards,
Florian Wicke
Hetzner Online AG
Industriestr. 25
91710 Gunzenhausen
Tel: +49 9831 505-0
Fax: +49 9831 505-3
Registergericht Ansbach, HRB 3204
Vorstandsvorsitzender: Dipl. Ing. (FH) Martin Hetzner
Aufsichtsratsvorsitzende: Diana Rothhan
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