X2Go Bug report logs - #1470
x2goserver: Broken x2goversion results in failed connection

version graph

Package: x2goserver; Maintainer for x2goserver is X2Go Developers <x2go-dev@lists.x2go.org>; Source for x2goserver is src:x2goserver.

Reported by: Randy Goldenberg <randy.goldenberg@gmail.com>

Date: Tue, 19 May 2020 06:05:02 UTC

Severity: normal

Found in version

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Report forwarded to x2go-dev@lists.x2go.org, X2Go Developers <x2go-dev@lists.x2go.org>:
Bug#1470; Package x2goserver. (Tue, 19 May 2020 06:05:02 GMT) (full text, mbox, link).

Acknowledgement sent to Randy Goldenberg <randy.goldenberg@gmail.com>:
New Bug report received and forwarded. Copy sent to X2Go Developers <x2go-dev@lists.x2go.org>. (Tue, 19 May 2020 06:05:02 GMT) (full text, mbox, link).

Message #5 received at submit@bugs.x2go.org (full text, mbox, reply):

From: Randy Goldenberg <randy.goldenberg@gmail.com>
To: submit@bugs.x2go.org
Subject: x2goserver: Broken x2goversion results in failed connection
Date: Mon, 18 May 2020 23:00:45 -0700
[Message part 1 (text/plain, inline)]
Package: x2goserver

Attempts to connect to x2goserver fail, with error message "the remote server 
does not have the X2Go Server software installed". Transcript is provided 
below.  Issue appears to be caused by what is likely a typo in x2goversion.  
Patch attached.

pyhoca-cli[2151] NOTICE: preparing requested X2Go session
pyhoca-cli[2151] (PyHocaCLI) NOTICE: preparing requested X2Go session
pyhoca-cli[2151] (x2goinifiles-pylib) INFO: proposed config files are ['/home/some_user/.x2goclient/sessions']
pyhoca-cli[2151] (x2goinifiles-pylib) INFO: config files found: ['/home/some_user/.x2goclient/sessions']
pyhoca-cli[2151] (x2goinifiles-pylib) INFO: proposed config files are ['/home/some_user/.x2goclient/settings']
pyhoca-cli[2151] (x2goinifiles-pylib) INFO: config files found: ['/home/some_user/.x2goclient/settings']
pyhoca-cli[2151] (x2goinifiles-pylib) INFO: proposed config files are ['/home/some_user/.x2goclient/printing']
pyhoca-cli[2151] (x2goinifiles-pylib) INFO: config files found: ['/home/some_user/.x2goclient/printing']
pyhoca-cli[2151] (x2gosession-pylib) DEBUG: X2Go control session parameters for profile Pyhoca-Client_Session:
pyhoca-cli[2151] (x2gosession-pylib) DEBUG:     look_for_keys: True
pyhoca-cli[2151] (x2gosession-pylib) DEBUG:     unique_hostkey_aliases: False
pyhoca-cli[2151] (x2gosession-pylib) DEBUG:     username: some_user
pyhoca-cli[2151] (x2gosession-pylib) DEBUG:     key_filename: /home/some_user/.ssh/id_rsa
pyhoca-cli[2151] (x2gosession-pylib) DEBUG:     allow_agent: True
pyhoca-cli[2151] (x2gosession-pylib) DEBUG: X2Go terminal session parameters for profile Pyhoca-Client_Session:
pyhoca-cli[2151] (x2gosession-pylib) DEBUG:     pack: 16m-jpeg-9
pyhoca-cli[2151] (x2gosession-pylib) DEBUG:     clipboard: both
pyhoca-cli[2151] (x2gosession-pylib) DEBUG:     xinerama: False
pyhoca-cli[2151] (x2gosession-pylib) DEBUG:     applications: ['WWWBROWSER', 'MAILCLIENT', 'OFFICE', 'TERMINAL']
pyhoca-cli[2151] (x2gosession-pylib) DEBUG:     kdrive: False
pyhoca-cli[2151] (x2gosession-pylib) DEBUG:     set_session_title: False
pyhoca-cli[2151] (x2gosession-pylib) DEBUG:     session_title: 
pyhoca-cli[2151] (x2gosession-pylib) DEBUG:     link: adsl
pyhoca-cli[2151] (x2gosession-pylib) DEBUG:     server_encoding: UTF-8
pyhoca-cli[2151] (x2gosession-pylib) DEBUG:     client_encoding: UTF-8
pyhoca-cli[2151] (x2gosession-pylib) DEBUG:     convert_encoding: False
pyhoca-cli[2151] (x2gosession-pylib) DEBUG:     kblayout: null
pyhoca-cli[2151] (x2gosession-pylib) DEBUG:     kbtype: auto
pyhoca-cli[2151] (x2gosession-pylib) DEBUG:     kbvariant: null
pyhoca-cli[2151] (x2gosession-pylib) DEBUG:     snd_system: pulse
pyhoca-cli[2151] (x2gosession-pylib) DEBUG:     snd_port: 4713
pyhoca-cli[2151] (x2gosession-pylib) DEBUG:     cmd: openbox-session
pyhoca-cli[2151] (x2gosession-pylib) DEBUG:     published_applications: False
pyhoca-cli[2151] (x2gosession-pylib) DEBUG:     rdp_options: -u X2GO_USER -p X2GO_PASSWORD
pyhoca-cli[2151] (x2gosession-pylib) DEBUG:     rdp_server: 
pyhoca-cli[2151] (x2gosession-pylib) DEBUG:     xdmcp_server: localhost
pyhoca-cli[2151] (x2gosession-pylib) DEBUG:     geometry: maximize
pyhoca-cli[2151] (x2gosession-pylib) DEBUG:     session_type: desktop
pyhoca-cli[2151] (x2gosession-pylib) DEBUG: X2Go sshproxy parameters for profile Pyhoca-Client_Session:
pyhoca-cli[2151] (x2gosession-pylib) DEBUG:     sshproxy_host: proxyhost.mydomain
pyhoca-cli[2151] (x2gosession-pylib) DEBUG:     sshproxy_port: 22
pyhoca-cli[2151] (x2gosession-pylib) DEBUG:     sshproxy_user: 
pyhoca-cli[2151] (x2gosession-pylib) DEBUG:     sshproxy_key_filename: 
pyhoca-cli[2151] (x2gosession-pylib) DEBUG:     sshproxy_look_for_keys: True
pyhoca-cli[2151] (x2gosession-pylib) DEBUG:     sshproxy_allow_agent: True
pyhoca-cli[2151] (x2gosession-pylib) DEBUG: initializing X2GoControlSession
pyhoca-cli[2151] (x2gosessregistry-pylib) NOTICE: registering X2Go session Pyhoca-Client_Session...
pyhoca-cli[2151] (x2gosessregistry-pylib) DEBUG: registering X2Go session with UUID b72abe00-996b-11ea-9a8e-d543e4783396
pyhoca-cli[2151] (x2goclient-pylib) NOTICE: initializing X2Go session...
pyhoca-cli[2151] (x2gocontrolsession-pylib) NOTICE: connecting to [rg1.lan]:1957
pyhoca-cli[2151] (x2gocontrolsession-pylib) DEBUG: trying SSH key discovery or agent authentication with server
pyhoca-cli[2151] (x2gocontrolsession-pylib) INFO: executing command on X2Go server ,,Pyhoca-Client_Session'': echo X2GODATABEGIN:b72abe01-996b-11ea-9a8e-d543e4783396; PATH=/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin sh -c "which x2gofeaturelist >/dev/null && x2gofeaturelist"; echo X2GODATAEND:b72abe01-996b-11ea-9a8e-d543e4783396
pyhoca-cli[2151] (x2gocontrolsession-pylib) INFO: executing command on X2Go server ,,Pyhoca-Client_Session'': echo X2GODATABEGIN:b72abe02-996b-11ea-9a8e-d543e4783396; PATH=/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin sh -c "echo $HOME"; echo X2GODATAEND:b72abe02-996b-11ea-9a8e-d543e4783396
pyhoca-cli[2151] (x2gocontrolsession-pylib) DEBUG: remote user' home directory: /home/some_user
pyhoca-cli[2151] (x2gocontrolsession-pylib) DEBUG: executing command on X2Go server ,,Pyhoca-Client_Session'': echo X2GODATABEGIN:b72abe03-996b-11ea-9a8e-d543e4783396; PATH=/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin sh -c "stat -tL "/home/some_user""; echo X2GODATAEND:b72abe03-996b-11ea-9a8e-d543e4783396
pyhoca-cli[2151] (x2gocontrolsession-pylib) INFO: executing command on X2Go server ,,Pyhoca-Client_Session'': echo X2GODATABEGIN:b72abe04-996b-11ea-9a8e-d543e4783396; PATH=/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin sh -c "export HOSTNAME && { x2golistsessions; x2golistshadowsessions; }"; echo X2GODATAEND:b72abe04-996b-11ea-9a8e-d543e4783396
pyhoca-cli[2151] (x2gocontrolsession-pylib) INFO: executing command on X2Go server ,,Pyhoca-Client_Session'': echo X2GODATABEGIN:b72abe05-996b-11ea-9a8e-d543e4783396; PATH=/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin sh -c "which x2goversion >/dev/null && x2goversion"; echo X2GODATAEND:b72abe05-996b-11ea-9a8e-d543e4783396
pyhoca-cli[2151] (x2gocontrolsession-pylib) DEBUG: server-side X2Go components and their versions are: {'': ''}
pyhoca-cli: error: the remote server does not have the X2Go Server software installed
pyhoca-cli[2151] (x2goguardian-pylib) DEBUG: X2Go session guardian thread waking up after 2 seconds
pyhoca-cli[2151] (x2goguardian-pylib) DEBUG: calling session cleanup on profile Pyhoca-Client_Session for terminal session: 

OS is Ubuntu 16.04.6 LTS.   Client attempting to connect is pyhoca-cli version, running on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS.  x2goserver was obtained from 
[x2goversion- (text/x-diff, attachment)]

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