There is no maintainer for libpam-x2go. This means that this package no longer exists (or never existed). Please do not report new bugs against this package.
You might like to refer to the libpam-x2go package page.
The same search fields are ORed, different fields are ANDed.
Valid severities are critical, grave, important, normal, minor, wishlist
Valid tags are patch, patch-approved, forwarded, wontfix, moreinfo, unreproducible, not-a-bug, fixed, fixed-upstream, stable, pending, security, confirmed, ipv6, deb-packages, rpm-packages, build-macosx, build-win32
X2Go Bug tracking system
Debbugs is free software and licensed under the terms of the GNU Public License version 2. The current version can be obtained from
Copyright © 1999 Darren O. Benham, 1997,2003 nCipher Corporation Ltd, 1994-97 Ian Jackson, 2005-2017 Don Armstrong, and many other contributors.