On 22.09.2016 05:43 AM, Orion Poplawski wrote: > However, why is -u being passed to ss in the first place? We're doing: > > my $lines=system_capture_stdout_output("ss", "-lxu"); > my @lines=split("\n", "$lines"); > my @outp = grep ( /(@| )\/tmp\/.X11-unix\/X.*/, @lines); > for(my $i=0;$i<@outp;$i++) > { > ... > > so we're filtering the output of ss for lines that look like unix > sockets (/tmp/.X11-unix/X*), so -lx is appropriate. But why use '-u' to > show UDP sockets? No X server that I know of listens on UDP The only thing that comes to my mind would be XMDCP, but ... > and we certainly would filter it out anyway. given this, it doesn't even make sense to keep this option. Mihai