X2Go Bug report logs - #1172
ThunderBird crashes in PubApp mode on amd64

Package: nx-libs; Maintainer for nx-libs is X2Go Developers <x2go-dev@lists.x2go.org>;

Reported by: Stefan Baur <X2Go-ML-1@baur-itcs.de>

Date: Fri, 5 May 2017 14:40:02 UTC

Severity: normal

Full log

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Subject: Fwd: Modifier Keys not working as expected
To: 1172@bugs.x2go.org
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On Tue, Sep 26, 2017 at 1:57 PM, Stefan Baur <X2Go-ML-1@baur-itcs.de> wrote:
> Am 26.09.2017 um 12:20 schrieb Ulrich Sibiller:
>>> A certain application requires the following keypresses:
>> Is the spplication's name secret?
> No, but closed-source/commercial/proprietary.
>>> - Hold down ctrl, shift and alt
>>> - while holding them down, press the space bar
>>> - let go of shift and space bar, keep holding down ctrl and alt
>> leaving you with ctrl-alt
> In theory, yes. But somehow the shift and space bar being pressed and
> released first tell it to "keep" the keypresses to itself, rather than
> sending them and the function key on to the X Server.

No, it's the other way round. The X server gets the keypresses and
passes them on to the client(s). This application probably instructs
the xserver to send these keys only to the app and not to anyone else
(and neither interpret them itself).

https://tronche.com/gui/x/xlib/input/XGrabKeyboard.html states this:

The XGrabKeyboard() function actively grabs control of the keyboard
and generates FocusIn and FocusOut events. Further key events are
reported only to the grabbing client. [...]

If the keyboard_mode argument is GrabModeAsync, keyboard event
processing continues as usual. If the keyboard is currently frozen by
this client, then processing of keyboard events is resumed. If the
keyboard_mode argument is GrabModeSync , the state of the keyboard (as
seen by client applications) appears to freeze, and the X server
generates no further keyboard events until the grabbing client issues
a releasing XAllowEvents() call or until the keyboard grab is
released. Actual keyboard changes are not lost while the keyboard is
frozen; they are simply queued in the server for later processing.

>> But for analysis we'd need the application to see what is doing.
> They offer a time-limited trial version [0], but IIRC, you still need to
> register somewhere with your E-Mail address (and they'll send you promo
> E-Mails during the trial phase, and possibly even afterwards).
>> For the records: I think it is nx-libs so we should open an issue
>> there. But I am not sure if we will be able to fix that at all.
> As I said, feel free to do so - you're way more knowledgeable about the
> code involved than I am.

I can do that eventually.


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