Package: x2goserver
Version: Since the wiki doesn't say, and I'm unable to install it -
I don't know what version but I presume the latest?
CentOS 5
Transaction Check Error:
/usr/share/man/man3/Sys::Syslog.3pm.gz from install of
perl-Sys-Syslog-0.27-1.el5.rf.i386 conflicts with file from package
Conversation in IRC:
[08:42] <geppetto> it's a packaging problem … yum can't see
file conflicts
[08:42] <geppetto> the fedora policy is that if you have a
file conflict you have to promote it to a real conflict
[08:42] <geppetto> but that's not QA'd :(
[08:43] <geppetto> don't use the .rf. repo? … use a newer perl
from the .rf repo?
[08:43] <geppetto> Maybe install an older version of
perl-SysSylog from the .rf repo. … if that doesn't have file
[08:48] <geppetto> Those packages are conflicting with the
ones from your distro. … but using file conflicts