Package: Hi I notices that (still?) says > Suite: stable and > Suite: testing Is that one purpose out of sync with Debian's release cycle or just an oversight? If this is on purpose it should probably be mentioned somewhere. Jessie and Stretch are similarly "out of sync". Best Christopher
-- Christopher Huhn Linux & web group IT department GSI Helmholtzzentrum fuer Schwerionenforschung GmbH Planckstr. 1, 64291 Darmstadt, Sitz der Gesellschaft / Registered Office: Darmstadt Handelsregister / Commercial Register: Amtsgericht Darmstadt, HRB 1528 Geschaeftsfuehrung / Managing Directors: Professor Dr. Paolo Giubellino, Dr. Ulrich Breuer, Joerg Blaurock Vorsitzender des GSI-Aufsichtsrates / Chairman of the GSI Supervisory Board: Ministerialdirigent Dr. Volkmar Dietz