Yes, I noticed the same thing when I was googling around for clues. We are running the latest version of vmware-tools and I believe, when we moved to vmware version 6 this started happening around that time but we were not able to correlate it then and a number of updates have been applied since then. I had the VM admins build me an image with the older version of the tools last week but I still experienced the crash. IMO, given the popup error refers to a crash related to a pure virtual function, it would seem that this very well might be breakage in some vmware DLL API that is not acting in a backwards compatible manner. Just a guess. Also, this only occurs when I configure the vcxsrv in rootless mode. I might try your suggestion by trying to run the image on a player. I already know it happens on different hosts as we have a number of hosts supporting the VDI instances and we float around day to day. I've confirmed it happens on different hosts in that way. Thanks for you suggestions and input!