Package: x2gobroker

When x2gobroker-ssh is used with system with not IPv6 configured, this generate very big delays in x2gobroker listsession task.

Before some research, the problem become from x2gobroker.utils portscan function.

This function propagates a delay in all agents call because it tests first the IPV6 connection:

    ip_proto = 0
        socket.getaddrinfo(addr, None, socket.AF_INET6)
        ip_proto = 6
    except socket.gaierror:
            socket.getaddrinfo(addr, None, socket.AF_INET)
            ip_proto = 4
        except socket.gaierror:
            # we can't find a valid address for this host, so returning a failure...
            return False

This will be fixed testing IPv4 first or more easily, setting a new option in config to select the ip protocol.

Best regards.

Miguel Quero | One eSecurity |
M: +34 608 36 17 05
Europe (Spain): +34 911 011 000
PGP: 0x34AA 050B D15C 7593 5671 3748 40C6 8E95 6C5A 40D3