Tisztelt felhasználó, Microsoft-fiókját veszélyezteti, és az új üzeneteket blokkolják. Kérjük, erősítse meg fiókját és tartózkodási helyét annak jelzésére, hogy továbbra is használatban van. CONFlRM MOST Megjegyzés: 24 órán belül az összes inaktív Microsoft-fiók inaktiválódik. A Microsoft tiszteletben tartja az Ön adatait. További információért olvassa el adatvédelmi irányelveinket. Leiratkozás Microsoft vállalat Egy Microsoft Way Redmond, WA 9805 Redmond, WA 9805 IMPORTANT NOTICE: The information in this email is the property of Mobifone. This communication is confidential and intended solely for the addressee(s). Any unauthorized review, use, disclosure or distribution is prohibited. If you believe this message has been sent to you in error, please notify the sender by replying to this transmission and delete the message without disclosing it. Thank you. E-mail including attachments is susceptible to data corruption, interception, unauthorized amendment, tampering and viruses, and we only send and receive emails on the basis that we are not liable for any such corruption, interception, amendment, tampering or viruses or any consequences thereof. THÔNG BÁO B?O M?T: Thông tin trong e-mail nay la tai s?n c?a MobiFone. Vi?c trao đ?i thu tín nay mang tính ch?t b?o m?t va ch? danh cho ngu?i có ten trong đ?a ch? ngu?i nh?n tren đây. Ngăn c?m b?t k? vi?c phe binh, s? d?ng, ti?t l? ho?c phân ph?i trái phép thông tin trao đ?i tren đây. N?u quý v? tin r?ng thông tin nay g?i t?i quý v? do m?t l?i nao đó thi xin quý v? hay thông báo cho ngu?i g?i thu b?ng cách tr? l?i thu va xóa thông tin ma quý v? đa nh?n đu?c, va không ti?t l? nh?ng thông tin nay. Trân tr?ng cám on quý v?! Thu nay bao g?m các t?p tin đính kem. D? li?u có th? b? s?a đ?i, b? ch?n va thay đ?i trái phép, b? xáo tr?n va có th? b? nhi?m virus. Chúng tôi ch? g?i va nh?n thu tren co s? chúng tôi không ch?u trách nhi?m tru?c nh?ng vi?c s?a đ?i, vi?c b? ch?n, xáo tr?n hay lây nhi?m virus hay b?t k? h?u qu? nao t? các vi?c neu tren.