Package: x2goclient Severity: important Version: Hi Alex, I have just looked at the results of the first openSUSE builds of X2Go Client on openSUSE and tested this and that in X2Go Client What occurred to me is that I cannot access the [ OK ] and [ Cancel ] buttons of the session profile configuration window anymore. There are simply to many configuration widget items under the "Settings" tab which forces the whole session profile configuration window into its massive size. IMHO, we need to address this rather sooner than later (because many people will stumble over this). My suggestion is splitting up the "Settings" tab into Tab 1: "Input/Output" (Screen resolution stuff, clipboard stuff, keyboard stuf) and "Media" (Audio, Printing, later Telekinesis/Video). Greets, Mike -- DAS-NETZWERKTEAM mike gabriel, herweg 7, 24357 fleckeby fon: +49 (1520) 1976 148 GnuPG Key ID 0x25771B31 mail:, freeBusy: