Package: x2goclient Version: (git) Severity: minor ONMainWindow::exportDirs does not handle broker-mode correctly. I discovered this because the combination of x2goclient on Mac and XFCE means that xfdesktop hangs on login, waiting for a timeout somewhere. If fstunnel is turned off, this problem (with xfdesktop) goes away. My broker sets fstunnel=false, but x2goclient does not respect this. Digging into the code reveals that ONMainWindow::exportDirs initialises an X2goSettings object from "sessions" rather than the way it should be done when in broker-mode. Since it sets the default value for fstunnel to true, and since there isn't a local session for the session ID currently running through the broker, fstunnel is always true when in broker-mode. -- Anders Bruun Olsen It-ansvarlig Det Danske Sprog- og Litteraturselskab (Society for Danish Language and Literature)