Package: x2go-client Version: v. When reconnecting to an existing session where full display was used previously, and when multiple monitors exist, the x2go-client tries to display the remote desktop spanning both monitors. It subsequently crashes. Im on a win10 machine but I think it is the same on win7. It does not seem to matter if Xinerama is checked in the client settings. The server is running Centos 7.6 and the following packages are installed: x2goagent.x86_64 @epel x2goserver.x86_64 @epel x2goserver-common.noarch @epel x2goserver-xsession.noarch @epel Thank you for making x2go, it's great!! Let me know if you need more info. Kind regards, Pär Larsson ________________________________________________________ Pär Larsson, PhD Bioinformatician Region Västerbotten Umeå University Hospital, Clinical Genetics +46 90 785 28 02 Postal address: SE 901 85 Umeå Visiting address: Laboratory Medicine, Building 6M, 2nd floor ---- Umeå University Dept. of Medical Biosciences 901 87 Umeå +46 70 618 99 95 Postal address: SE 901 87 Umeå Visiting address: Laboratory Medicine, Building 6M, 3nd floor