package: x2goclient version: Mac x2go client v. (Qt - 4.8.7) XQuartz 2.7.11 (xorg-server 1.18.4) Mac OSX Sierra 10.12.6 on MacBook Air 11” fully patched LXDE desktop under openbox DM woth xorg-x11 7.6 1-19.3 and libX11 6 1.6.3 and x2go server on openSUSE Linux Leap 42.3 fully patched Open desktop from Linux computer (Leap 42.2) using x2go client and desktop displays normally. Open desktop from Mac and desktop has bottom cropped - the entire panel & taskbar is missing & remaining desktop is stretched (window size is the same). New installs of x2go & xquartz on Mac and newly built server. Happens constantly. Relevant server software versions: python-x2go- x2goagent- x2gognomebindings- x2golxdebindings- x2goserver- libNX_X11-6- libNX_Xcomposite1- libNX_Xdamage1- libNX_Xdmcp6- libNX_Xext6- libNX_Xfixes3- libNX_Xpm4- libNX_Xrandr2- libNX_Xrender1- libNX_Xtst6- nxagent- nxproxy- dbus-1-x11-1.8.22-5.2.x86_64 libNX_X11-6- libqt4-x11-4.8.6-16.6.x86_64 libQt5X11Extras5-5.6.2-1.3.x86_64 libva-x11-1-1.7.3-1.3.x86_64 libX11-6-1.6.3-9.3.x86_64 libX11-data-1.6.3-9.3.noarch libX11-xcb1-1.6.3-9.3.x86_64 libxkbcommon-x11-0-0.6.1-4.1.x86_64 x11-tools-0.1-206.3.noarch xorg-x11-7.6_1-19.3.noarch xorg-x11-driver-input-7.6_1-17.1.noarch xorg-x11-driver-video-7.6_1-18.1.x86_64 xorg-x11-essentials-7.6_1-19.3.noarch xorg-x11-fonts-7.6-34.16.noarch xorg-x11-fonts-core-7.6-34.16.noarch xorg-x11-libX11-ccache-7.6-23.1.noarch xorg-x11-server-7.6_1.18.3-28.1.x86_64 xorg-x11-Xvnc-1.6.0-21.1.x86_64