Hi, Please see my below email and respond, If you are willing to acquire the contact list please respond back as "Send best pricing". Regards, Robert From: robert.gerry@clearbits.tech Sent: 22 May 2024 20:19 To: '112@bugs.x2go.org' <112@bugs.x2go.org> Subject: Updated Contacts: URTeC Expo Hi, I wanted to check if you're interested in acquiring a list of Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTeC) 2024 for your marketing activities. If you're interested, I would be happy to provide you with specific counts and more detailed information for your review. Please let me know your interest, and I will get back to you with the requested information. I look forward to the opportunity of supporting your marketing efforts with our comprehensive email lists. Best Regards, Robert Gerry Marketing Coordinator If you do not wish to receive any future email, kindly reply with "No Thanks"