Package: x2goclient Version: (Qt - 4.8.6) I have an server Linux (Centos) that run X2Go Server, and some clients (Mac and Linux) access this server with X2Go Client. For this clients, I don't have any problem. But, in one client that has the operation system Windows 7, the keyboard do not work. In this client, when I run X2Goclient, I see the session of Gnome but the keys pressed in keyboard do not change any thing in session Gnome. In this client, I also tried run PyHoca-Gui ( But, I had the same problem. Can you help me? Confg. of my profile in X2Go client: [20161021211038302000] defsndport = 1 sshproxyautologin = 1 forwardsshagent = 0 useiconv = 0 iconvfrom = UTF-8 height = 600 pack = 16m-jpeg uniquehostkeyaliases = 0 directrdp = 0 sshproxysameuser = 0 sshproxysamepass = 0 quality = 9 maxdim = 0 fullscreen = 0 sessiontitle = layout = us useexports = 0 sshproxytype = SSH width = 800 speed = 2 krblogin = 0 sshproxyuser = rdpoptions = -u X2GO_USER -p X2GO_PASSWORD soundsystem = pulse clipboard = both autostart = 0 print = 0 type = pc105/us setsessiontitle = 0 sndport = 4713 usesshproxy = 0 usemimebox = 0 xinerama = 0 usekbd = 0 variant = basic autologin = 1 sshproxykeyfile = sshproxyport = 22 applications = TERMINAL, WWWBROWSER, MAILCLIENT, OFFICE host = display = 1 mimeboxextensions = multidisp = 0 key = directrdpsettings = fstunnel = 1 icon = :icons/128x128/x2gosession.png sound = 0 autoconnect = 0 rootless = 0 mimeboxaction = OPEN name = rdpport = 3389 iconvto = UTF-8 rdpserver = restoreexports = 0 soundtunnel = 1 sshproxyhost = proxyhost.mydomain rdpclient = rdesktop command = GNOME startsoundsystem = 0 published = 0 sshport = 1026 export = setdpi = 0 xdmcpserver = localhost dpi = 96 user = XXX