X2Go Bug report logs -
use socket forwarding feature in OpenSSH 6.7
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; Package openssh
(Thu, 09 Oct 2014 14:35:02 GMT) (full text, mbox, link).
Acknowledgement sent
to Mike Gabriel <mike.gabriel@das-netzwerkteam.de>
New Bug report received and forwarded. Copy sent to owner@bugs.x2go.org
(Thu, 09 Oct 2014 14:35:02 GMT) (full text, mbox, link).
Message #5 received at submit@bugs.x2go.org (full text, mbox, reply):
Package: openssh
Severity: important
Dear maintainer,
actually this should be a wishlist bug, I know, but so close before the freeze, I dare filing this issue as important.
The OpenSSH 6.7 brings a new feature that can greatly enhance security for tools that use port forwarding via SSH.
OpenSSH allows socket files and/or IP ports as tunnel endpoints. This feature is something, I would really love to see in Debian jessie!!!
Thanks and hopefully you share my severity level approach... ;-)
Mike (aka sunweaver AT debian.org)
mike gabriel, herweg 7, 24357 fleckeby
fon: +49 (1520) 1976148
GnuPG Key ID 0x25771B13
mail: mike.gabriel@das-netzwerkteam.de, http://das-netzwerkteam.de
Information forwarded
to x2go-dev@lists.x2go.org, owner@bugs.x2go.org
; Package openssh
(Thu, 09 Oct 2014 19:40:02 GMT) (full text, mbox, link).
Acknowledgement sent
to Mike Gabriel <mike.gabriel@das-netzwerkteam.de>
Extra info received and forwarded to list. Copy sent to owner@bugs.x2go.org
(Thu, 09 Oct 2014 19:40:02 GMT) (full text, mbox, link).
Message #10 received at 634@bugs.x2go.org (full text, mbox, reply):
[Message part 1 (text/plain, inline)]
Control: reassign -1 x2goserver
Control: severity -1 wishlist
Control: retitle -1 use socket forwarding feature in OpenSSH 6.7
Hi guys,
On Do 09 Okt 2014 16:34:50 CEST, Mike Gabriel wrote:
> Package: openssh
> Severity: important
> Dear maintainer,
> actually this should be a wishlist bug, I know, but so close before
> the freeze, I dare filing this issue as important.
> The OpenSSH 6.7 brings a new feature that can greatly enhance
> security for tools that use port forwarding via SSH.
> OpenSSH allows socket files and/or IP ports as tunnel endpoints.
> This feature is something, I would really love to see in Debian
> jessie!!!
> Thanks and hopefully you share my severity level approach... ;-)
> Mike (aka sunweaver AT debian.org)
Oooppsss.. this bug wen to the wrong bug tracker. Using the
opportunity to open up a wishlist request that theUserII / GZNG an I
will implement in the near future.
mike gabriel, herweg 7, 24357 fleckeby
fon: +49 (1520) 1976 148
GnuPG Key ID 0x25771B31
mail: mike.gabriel@das-netzwerkteam.de, http://das-netzwerkteam.de
[Message part 2 (application/pgp-signature, inline)]
Bug reassigned from package 'openssh' to 'x2goserver'.
Request was from Mike Gabriel <mike.gabriel@das-netzwerkteam.de>
to 634-submit@bugs.x2go.org
(Thu, 09 Oct 2014 19:40:02 GMT) (full text, mbox, link).
Severity set to 'wishlist' from 'important'
Request was from Mike Gabriel <mike.gabriel@das-netzwerkteam.de>
to 634-submit@bugs.x2go.org
(Thu, 09 Oct 2014 19:40:02 GMT) (full text, mbox, link).
Changed Bug title to 'use socket forwarding feature in OpenSSH 6.7' from 'Upgrade to OpenSSH 6.7 before the jessie freeze'
Request was from Mike Gabriel <mike.gabriel@das-netzwerkteam.de>
to 634-submit@bugs.x2go.org
(Thu, 09 Oct 2014 19:40:02 GMT) (full text, mbox, link).
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X2Go Developers <owner@bugs.x2go.org>.
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Sun Dec 22 05:43:31 2024;
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