X2Go Bug report logs - #1544
x2goclient not connecting [with a provisional fix]

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Package: x2goclient; Maintainer for x2goclient is X2Go Developers <x2go-dev@lists.x2go.org>; Source for x2goclient is src:x2goclient.

Reported by: Andrey Malyshev <andrey.v.malyshev@gmail.com>

Date: Fri, 7 May 2021 10:55:01 UTC

Severity: normal

Found in version

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Report forwarded to x2go-dev@lists.x2go.org, X2Go Developers <x2go-dev@lists.x2go.org>:
Bug#1544; Package x2goclient. (Fri, 07 May 2021 10:55:01 GMT) (full text, mbox, link).

Acknowledgement sent to Andrey Malyshev <andrey.v.malyshev@gmail.com>:
New Bug report received and forwarded. Copy sent to X2Go Developers <x2go-dev@lists.x2go.org>. (Fri, 07 May 2021 10:55:01 GMT) (full text, mbox, link).

Message #5 received at submit@bugs.x2go.org (full text, mbox, reply):

From: Andrey Malyshev <andrey.v.malyshev@gmail.com>
To: submit@bugs.x2go.org
Subject: x2goclient not connecting [with a provisional fix]
Date: Fri, 7 May 2021 12:53:48 +0200
Package: x2goclient

x2goclient stoppped connecting to a working x2go server after some update of
the client on both Linux and Mac boxes.  Provisional fix - The offending
line is "Port 22" in the localhost section of the ~/.ssh/config file on the
client side.  Commenting out the line solves the problem on both Linux and
Mac boxes.  It seems that some parser (no idea if it is the x2goclient's or
the nxproxy's one) is doing some strange thing and gets confused, as the
error message has nothing to do to the port line.  A permanent fix would be

Below are the relevant part of the output from x2goclient --debug and the
content of the ~/.ssh/config file with an offending Port line in the
localhost section:

x2goclient --debug:

x2go-INFO-1> "Starting X2Go Client"
x2go-DEBUG-../src/onmainwindow.cpp:6142> "Starting NX proxy, command: nxproxy -S nx/nx,options=/home/andrei/.x2go/S-andrei-50-1620380095_stRTERMINAL_dp24/options:50"
x2go-DEBUG-../src/onmainwindow.cpp:6618> Proxy wrote on stderr: "\nNXPROXY - Version\n\n...."
x2go-DEBUG-../src/sshmasterconnection.cpp:1994> Forwarding parameters: from remote ("localhost":33106) to local ("localhost":60552)
x2go-DEBUG-../src/sshmasterconnection.cpp:2028> Temporary session port after config file parse: 22
x2go-DEBUG-../src/sshmasterconnection.cpp:2032> Temporary session host after config file parse:
x2go-DEBUG-../src/sshmasterconnection.cpp:2059> New channel forwarded.
x2go-DEBUG-../src/onmainwindow.cpp:6618> Proxy wrote on stderr: "Loop: PANIC! Wrong version or invalid session authentication cookie.\nError: Wrong version or invalid session authentication cookie.\nSession: Terminating session at 'Fri May  7 11:34:57 2021'.\nSession: Session terminated at 'Fri May  7 11:34:57 2021'.\n"
x2go-DEBUG-../src/onmainwindow.cpp:6475> Deleting Proxy.



Host localhost
User *****
Port 22
Compression no
ForwardX11 yes


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