X2Go Bug report logs -
x2gothinclient-displaymanager not usable standalone
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; Package x2gothinclient-displaymanager
(Sat, 17 Feb 2018 16:45:03 GMT) (full text, mbox, link).
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to mike.gabriel@das-netzwerkteam.de
New Bug report received and forwarded. Copy sent to owner@bugs.x2go.org
(Sat, 17 Feb 2018 16:45:03 GMT) (full text, mbox, link).
Message #5 received at submit@bugs.x2go.org (full text, mbox, reply):
Package: x2gothinclient-displaymanager
The named package need various tweaks to become usable standalone with direct installation as .deb. After some investigation, it became obvious, that some symlinking magic is done in x2gothinclient_create. This should be ironed out and the displaymanager package should be usable as is.
I will commit my fixes to the Git repo once I find time...
Sent from my Fairphone 2 (running Sailfish OS)
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